Two Years Ago…
When I started this blog once again, I was looking forward to posting at some kind of regularity. Now here we are about 2 years since then.
We are in some strange times currently, and let’s just say free time is plentiful at the moment. I have no real ideas for any upcoming posts, and I don’t really want to be at this point again two more years from now. I have one draft which is just a follow up to my Amazon Echo post, it will be finished at least (aside from this post).
Life has changed, and I personally believe it has changed for good. In my slice of the world, working from home will become a lot more common in traditional businesses. People who would never have thought of trying it for more than a day, have been forced to do it for months. Some will flock back to the office, but I believe a majority will start working from home at least a couple days a week. I don’t care for it, but I think that is because I don’t have the room to have a separate workspace. I work from my desk in my living room where my gaming PC sits. I have a dock for my work laptop so I can use my screen and peripherals, but the desk and chair are not as good as what I currently use in the office. If I owned my flat, I could get a better desk and chair, but I am stuck with what I have for now.
That is just one part of my world that I have seen a significant change in, but for the rest of life, I am unsure. Only time will tell once the lock-down is lifted how people will react. I think some people will just fall back into the whole routine of life like the last few months were just a bad dream. The change will be with the person, I mean each individual, will change their behaviour in some way. Be that wearing a mask while ill and out, stockpiling non-perishables a bit better, learning about personal space, whatever it may be.
I don’t like to say I have any experience or qualifications to make predictions of what is to come. Still, I am hopeful, to say the least. We, as a people, have been through a lot worse and we will get through this whenever this crazy thing comes to an end.
— Michael